A DOCTOR has been struck off 11 years after failing to spot a lethal infection that killed a Hampshire father.

Dr Amit Misra, 40, has been kicked out of the profession after the General Medical Council could not be satisfied that he would not pose a risk to patients if he was allowed to practise.

He was originally suspended for a year after failing to act when Sean Phillips, 31, fell ill after a routine knee operation at Southampton General Hospital.

A jury at Winchester Crown Court convicted him of manslaughter in April 2003 and he was given an 18-month suspended prison sentence, but was allowed back to work in November 2007 under a series of conditions. But yesterday a GMC panel reviewing his case found no evidence that he had undertaken orders to retrain and ruled that his name should be erased from the medical register.

The panel said: “His ability and willingness to undertake the rehabilitation which would be necessary, within a reasonable time frame, is totally absent.”

Misra was convicted after it was found that he failed to monitor Mr Phillips’ abnormal temperature and pulse.

His former colleague, Rajeev Srivastava, 40, of Invergowrie, Dundee, was also convicted of manslaughter but was suspended for just six months.