SAINTS supporters aboard the coaches heading for Fratton Park were in high spirits this morning – despite being greeted by jeering fans on bridges crossing the M27.

As the “coach bubble” travelled between Hedge End and Portsmouth, handfuls of fans could be seen on the bridges overhead.

Saints fan Simon Oldham, 29, a data analyst from Shirley, said he could see the point of the massive police operation.

“But it seems a bit extreme. And if it’s for our safety, it should be done the other way round. Im looking forward to the game but with a bit of trepidation.”

Dan Medway, 32, a care worker from Bishopstoke, said : “The operation doesn’t bother me as long as there is no trouble.

I’m dreading the match but I think we will win”.

Matthew Connell, 29 from Coxford, said the operation took away a bit of fans freedom. “People should be trusted to handle themselves and react to the situation so it does it seem excessive. I’m looking forward to the match and think it will be a tight 1-nil either way.”