CAMPAIGNERS have won their battle for a pedestrian crossing on a busy Hampshire road where a pensioner was killed.

Plans for a crossing on the A326, which separates Hythe and Dibden Purlieu from the New Forest, have been agreed.

It follows a 22-month campaign by people living near the road, which is said to be used by more than 30,000 vehicles a day.

The £108,000 crossing will be built north of the Heath Hotel roundabout, close to the spot where Frank Harrison was killed in January last year.

Mr Harrison, 83, of Noads Way, Dibden Purlieu, was taking two dogs for a walk in the New Forest when he was hit by a car.

Ironically, the great-grandfather had signed a petition, launched by residents the previous month, calling for walkers and horse riders to be provided with a safe place to cross.

Mr Harrison's death fuelled demands for a crossing, subway or footpath opposite Dibden Inclosure.

Now Mel Kendal, Hampshire County Council's executive member for environment, has approved plans for a Pegasus crossing that can be used by pedestrians and riders.

Work on the much-needed facility is expected to start next month.

As reported in the Daily Echo, the petition, launched a few weeks before Mr Harrison was killed, was signed by a total of 4,662 people.

One of the organisers, Irene Plascott, welcomed Cllr Kendal's decision to approve the proposed crossing.

She said: "Mr Harrison's death proved that something needed to be done.

"Everyone has their own view on what should be provided and where - but at least people will be provided with a safe option."

Hythe and Dibden county councillor Brian Dash said: "Local people will be able to walk into the New Forest and enjoy it in safety."