AS a huge fan of the 1950 James Stewart film, I was apprehensive that I would be disappointed by an amateur version of the play - I need not have worried. Brian and Diane Buck's enchanting production of Harvey was a real treat.

David Balfour was excellent as the amiable but eccentric Elwood P Dowd. His focus made it easy to visualise the movements of a 6ft white rabbit, and his timing was exquisite. Hilary Causey was magnificent as his sister, Veta. Her characterisation and accent never faltered. The ensemble was admirable, particularly Bernard Hay-Cooper, Vic Milne and Neville Green.

The set was superb - the dark wooden panels and white marble fireplace in Dowd's drawing room were impressively replaced by a clinical white psychiatric hospital in a very short space of time. The costumes and props captivated perfectly the 1940s era.

Maybe not politically correct, but I loved it!

Anne Waggott Harvey, Lyndhurst Drama & Musical Society, The Vernon Theatre, Lyndhurst