HUNDREDS have passed through Southampton's court buildings over the last month. 

From making Molotov cocktails in public to knocking someone unconscious in a late-night brawl, dozens of defendants have been sentenced in the city in July. 

Below is a round-up of those who have been sentenced over the last month: 

Scott Smith

Daily Echo: Scott Smith outside Southampton Crown CourtScott Smith outside Southampton Crown Court (Image: Newsquest)

Smith, 25, appeared in court after he was seen "screaming and shouting" in the street in New Milton. 

The court heard how he saw a group of boys and girls and pulled out a flip-out pocketknife from his jeans before holding it to one of the teenagers. 

He went on to slash at the handlebars of an e-scooter with the blade before threatening to "cut up" the dad of one of the victims. 

Officers noted that he was “very intoxicated” and whilst officers tried to put him in handcuffs, he was kicking out at them.

Read the full story here

Lennox Hale

Daily Echo: Lennox Hale outside Southampton Crown CourtLennox Hale outside Southampton Crown Court (Image: Newsquest)

Hale, 21, was brought to court for two sets of offences after two incidents where he took his landlord's car without consent. 

The first time saw him take the car overnight, as well as the victim's bank card which he used after driving to a nearby Co-Op. 

He then told his landlord and the police that his cousin had been the one that took the car, even going as far as to make a witness statement. 

The second time, having already appeared in court for the first matter, he took the vehicle again but crashed it, writing it off. 

Read the full story here

Thomas Platt

Daily Echo: Thomas Platt outside Southampton Crown CourtThomas Platt outside Southampton Crown Court (Image: Newsquest)

Platt of Shirley Park Road was spotted making Molotov cocktails in a Southampton car park. 

A court heard how he had gone to a communal bin area at a car park in Millbrook Road East and found two beer bottles. 

He then used a canister in the back of a car to fill the bottles up with petrol, ripping up a towel and placing the cloth in the top. 

He told a jury that he made the petrol bombs in order to start a bonfire when he got home, but the prosecution said it was for illegal purposes. 

Read the full story here

Connor Betteridge and Ryan Winn

Daily Echo: Connor Betteridge and Ryan Winn outside Southampton Crown CourtConnor Betteridge and Ryan Winn outside Southampton Crown Court (Image: Newsquest)

Betteridge and Winn left a man unconscious and scarred after a late-night brawl outside Sharkey's Sports Bar in Southampton.

The court heard how the pair had been on a night out when an altercation began with another group of men. 

Both men threw punches during the fight which saw a man knocked to the floor unconscious. 

They were left with a visible scar above their eye and a chipped tooth requiring hundreds of pounds worth of dental treatment.

Read the full story here