FURIOUS patients have been told their Hampshire surgery will be given a six-month stay of execution amid claims of a lack of consultation.

Families registered at the Solent Surgery in Hythe were originally told that the practice would close in the autumn.

But outraged patients said they had not been properly consulted and Hampshire Primary Care trust has now shelved their plans until early 2009.

The single GP surgery, based in Hythe Medical Centre on Beaulieu Road, cares for around 1,300 people who were notified by letter earlier this month that the surgery would close.

The PCT said that the practice would cease operation later this year because patient numbers have fallen by a fifth since 2005 and it was no longer viable.

Registered patients were told they would either have to choose a new doctor or be transferred automatically.

The move sparked a mass outcry from patients, who are launching a campaign to try and save it from the axe.

At a briefing before yesterday's PCT board meeting in Colbury, director of commissioning Helen Clanchy said sorry to patients for the way the matter had been handled.

Apology She said: "It has not been handled to our best standards and I apologise for that."

In a letter sent out to patients, she added that the surgery would be open at least for the next six months while an extensive period of consultation was undertaken.

The letter said: "We will be arranging a number of local events to hear your views. Information about these events and how to contact us will be available in the next few weeks."

Leading campaigner Jill Pilcher said:"I think the PCT has suddenly realised it has not been doing things properly and they are going to go back and do the consultation they should have done in the first place.

"They have now realised they need to do it the right way round and that will give us a better chance to get everyone together and build a campaign to keep the surgery open."