THE impact on hospital services in Southampton is likely to be minimal as doctors, nurses and midwives will not be striking.

It will be business as usual for all urgent and emergency care, but some non-urgent surgery and operations will be postponed to free up resources for essential departments.

Scans and X-rays will be affected as radiographers take to the picket line, as will physiotherapy outpatient appointments due to physiotherapists going out.

Pathology staff, theatre assistants, maintenance teams and some porters will also be taking action, but there will be enough porters on duty to cope with normal business.

Delivery, security, cleaners and catering staff will all be working as normal.

The Princess Anne Hospital will be mostly unaffected, with only an issue over ultrasound scans, but most doctors will be able to carry out the scans themselves.

Any patient who has had their appointment postponed will be contacted by the trust, so if you haven’t been contacted head to the hospital as planned.