With the General Election now just three weeks away, this is everything you need to know about what happens between the moment one is called, and when you get to cast your vote.

A general election can be called by the prime minister at any time until December 17, 2024.

Once he has requested permission from the monarch to hold a general election, a date will be set for the dissolution of Parliament. The general election will then be held 25 days after Parliament is dissolved.

Weekends and bank holidays do not count as working days for the purpose of those 25 days.

There are normally several days between an election being called and Parliament being dissolved to allow for any outstanding parliamentary business to be finished.

When Parliament is dissolved, every seat in the House of Commons becomes vacant.

All business in the House comes to an end. MPs stop representing their constituencies.

There will be no MPs until after the general election.

The Government does not resign when Parliament is dissolved.

Government ministers remain in charge of their departments, as the role of minister is independent of the role of MP.

Once the election is called, Government activity is restricted during campaigning to ensure that public money is not used to support the party currently in power.

All parties will then launch their manifestos, though there is no set date for manifestos to be launched.

These will include the key promises each party is making to the public to encourage them to vote for them.

Typically, manifestos are released around 20 days before the election, and are often released within days of each other.

On polling day, voting happens between 7am and 10pm, with results being announced overnight and into the early hours of the next morning once counting has been concluded.

How do I register to vote in the General Election?

If you are unsure whether you are registered to vote or not, you can check by contacting your local Electoral Registration Office.

You can go to this Government website and enter your postcode to find your nearest one.

Where do I go to vote for the General Election?

If you are registered, you should receive a polling card through the post informing you of the location of your nearest ballot box.

You can only vote at the polling station location on your card.

However, if you are unsure then you can go to the website here to find your nearest polling station.

You do not need to bring your polling card with you in order to vote as it is not recognised as proof of registration.

Do I need ID to vote in the General Election?

Voters across the UK will be required to show ID to vote in General Elections.

You can use any of the following accepted forms of photo ID when voting at a polling station.

International travel

  • Passport issued by the UK, any of the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man, a British Overseas Territory, an EEA state or a Commonwealth country

Driving and Parking

  • Driving licence issued by the UK, any of the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man, or an EEA state (this includes a provisional driving licence)
  • A Blue Badge

Local travel

  • Older Person’s Bus Pass
  • Disabled Person’s Bus Pass
  • Oyster 60+ Card
  • Freedom Pass
  • Scottish National Entitlement Card
  • 60 and Over Welsh Concessionary Travel Card
  • Disabled Person’s Welsh Concessionary Travel Card

Proof of age

  • Identity card bearing the Proof of Age Standards Scheme hologram (a PASS card)

Other government issued documents

  • Biometric immigration document
  • Ministry of Defence Form 90 (Defence Identity Card)
  • National identity card issued by an EEA state
  • Electoral Identity Card issued in Northern Ireland
  • Voter Authority Certificate
  • Anonymous Elector's Document

You will only need to show one form of photo ID. It needs to be the original version and not a photocopy.

You can still use your photo ID if it's out of date, as long as it looks like you.

The name on your ID should be the same name you used to register to vote.