Chris Makin has warned his Saints teammates against complacency ahead of the visit of Hull.

The victory against Wolves on Wednesday was a massive relief after four defeats in five Championship outings.

Now Saints have an opportunity to make the table look even better as they host Phil Parkinson's strugglers.

But, though Hull are third from bottom, Makin believes they are capable of getting a result.

So Saints must be on their guard to fend off the Tigers as they fought off the Wolves two days ago.

He said: "We've been down in the dumps the last few weeks and we know how that feels so we're not going to get carried away by one win against Wolves.

"These are two big home games and we have done half the job. Now we've got the other half to do tomorrow.

"Every game in this league is winnable, it's that type of league.

"If you set your stall out right and go about things right every game is winnable.

"But you only have to look at the results to see they don't always go the way you expect.

"At the moment Hull are at the other end of the table and they need the points as much as we do for our push at the top end. They have established pros, international players and plenty of experience in the squad - so they'll be no pushovers.

"I know Nick Barmby and Michael Bridges well. I played with Nick at England youth level and Michael at Sunderland for a few years.

"I know what they're capable of producing."

Full interview in today's Daily Echo, plus more Saints v Hull previews