LAWRIE McMenemy will leave Saints after turning down the chance to continue with his ambassadorial role under Rupert Lowe and Michael Wilde.

The 1976 FA Cup winning manager was brought back to the club after virtually ten years away during Lowe's last spell in charge when Wilde and his group of executives took control of St Mary's two years ago.

He was appointed a director on the football board and given a three-year contract to run the Ambassadors Club and to try and attract back corporate hospitality customers who had walked away from the club.

As part of the recent reshuffle that has seen both the PLC and football boards change personnel, McMenemy was asked to resign from the football board and agreed.

Lowe and Wilde wanted him to continue in his contracted ambassadorial role but McMenemy, who played a key role in the appointment of Nigel Pearson, felt it would be hypocritical of him to do so and has resigned from the post, with his contract officially cancelled at the end of its second year, which falls next month.

Football board chairman Wilde confirmed the club's position and said they will now look for a figurehead to take over from McMenemy.

"We were happy to have Lawrie for the other season on his contract and not only potentially just that but if it went well to renew it as well," he said.

"He felt he couldn't continue though.

"We had to say if that's what he wants then there's nothing we can do about that.

"The next issue is to identify another similar celebrity who could take over his responsibilities in the lounge.

"The ambassadors suite will continue, it will just change hands.

"We're talking to one or two people about doing that job."

The official boards now see Lowe as executive chairman of the PLC, joined by non-executives Andrew Cowen and Wilde and finance director David Jones. The football board has the same make up but with Wilde as chairman.

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