Daily Echo Saints reporters Benjy Nurick and Alfie House are joined by one of the more iconic moustaches in Southampton history - of course, belonging to legendary Saints defender and captain Franny Benali.

In support of the Movember fundraising and awareness campaign for mental health and suicide prevention, prostate cancer, and testicular cancer, Benali is growing out his moustache through the month of November - harkening back to his playing days of the late 80s and early 90s.

Sitting down with the slightly less follically-endowed Alfie House and Benjy Nurick, Benali discusses his motivations for taking part in Movember, past fundraising work that has seen him raise more than £1.3m for Cancer Research, mental health, Saints' season thus far, and the job ahead of Nathan Jones.

All that and more can be watched in the link below.

If you wish to donate to either of Benali or Alfie's Movember fundraising campaigns, links are included below.

Franny Benali Movember Fundraiser: https://uk.movember.com/mospace/14859125?mc=1&utm_medium=share&utm_source=dynamic&utm_campaign=copy-clipboard

Alfie House Movember Fundraiser: https://www.gofundme.com/f/saints-foundation-work-in-the-community?utm_campaign=p_cf+share-flow-1&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=customer

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