HERE are two more letters from Saints fans sent to the Daily Echo in recent days.

Reading through the Daily Echo the last couple of days since the Watford game, Saints fans are not showing the team and the manager any confidence whatsoever.

Yes, I can understand the rant and rave about the preformance on Tuesday but Saints fans need to show the lads some confidence and sing your hearts out!

Yes, I am going to the game against Leicester and I will support and give the lads confidence.

I will be showing loyalty, unlike most Saints fans!


Rob McGrattan, LOYAL Saints fan.

All the excuses at Saints about injured players, may have to sell players and lack of funds are now seen as what they are - just poor excuses.

Saints fans now except that only inexperienced or end-of-career players will be purchased.

Look at Bristol City and Blackpool, they have come up a division and are out-performing Saints.

There are players in lower divisions who would like to get a crack at playing in the Championship.

Why not seek them out rather than overpaid, uninterested players?

The game against Watford was so poor in tactics, performance, stamina, guts, determination and skill level.

We all watched in amazement at a Sunday pub team turning out for Saints when we had paid for a season ticket to be entertained by very expensive and highly paid professionals.

I, and many fans, thought we had seen the worst game in our 20, 30, 40 plus years of watching Saints, but now we say that each week, and that means this season's squad must be the worst one to represent the club in the last few decades.

Does that not worry the chairman, the manager and the players?

Saints are in a sorry state, and one that I don't expect we can recover from.

We saw this before in the relegation season, the warnings were there but not acted upon and now they are here again.

They say lightning doesn't stike twice but RELEGATION does!!

Manny Baldwin, Eastleigh, Northam season ticket holder.