LAWRIE McMenemy believes England has an excellent chance of today winning its bid to host the 2018 World Cup.

And the Saints legend thinks the ‘David Beckham factor’ could help swing the crucial FIFA vote in the country’s favour.

England, Russia and the joint bids of Spain and Portugal and rank outsiders Netherlands and Belgium will discover this afternoon who has been awarded the rights to football’s most prestigious tournament.

The game’s world governing body is due to reveal its choice, from its Zurich headquarters, at about 3pm.

McMenemy is keeping his fingers crossed that England can bring the competition back to its shores for the first time since 1966.

“We are obviously up there and are certainly one of the favourites,” said the former England assistant manager.

“I think we have got an excellent chance, because of the facilities we have already got.

“People can also travel around more easily, as opposed to much larger countries where you have to really just stay in one area.”

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