HAMPSHIRE sailing star Ben Ainslie is on the hunt for another world Championship to add to his name as his Team Origin bow out of racing.

Ainslie has been skipper of the British America’s Cup challengers since the team was formed in 2007 – but recently it was announced the team was to disband.

Ironically, Ainslie is within touching distance of winning the World Match Racing Tour, largely regarded as the training ground for the America’s Cup.

He goes into the Monsoon Cup, the final event of the nine-date tour, in third place overall and just 17 points behind leader Mathieu Richard.

The Lymington yachtsman said: “It would be fantastic for us as a team to bow out at the top of the World Championship and to win the Monsoon Cup next week. The Monsoon Cup is unique – I’ve never sailed in an event quite like it.”

Ainslie has come under fire from Richard in the lead up to the event, the tour leader citing Ainslie’s “inconsistency” on the tour.

Ainslie hit back, saying: “I was quite amused to read Mathieu Richard’s comment.

My team has only competed in five events on this year’s tour and we’re in with a chance of winning the title so I don’t agree with him on that.”

Also in the running for a podium position is Southampton’s Ian Williams, a city lawyer until giving up his job five years ago to compete on the tour.

Williams, who has since won two World Match Racing Tours, said: “The Monsoon Cup is always a terrific climax to the tour and with the title so wide open, it promises to be a very exciting week.”