I trudged and slithered down the hill into Winchester centre today to open the shop. But,as they say, it's an ill wind that blows no good.

We were amazed to see a queue of people when we arrived. It turned out they were waiting for our neighbouring shop H2OMud'N'Snow to open. In this case, they're selling toboggans faster than an X Factor Christmas single.

For Your Life Your Style, our lack of shop customers was compensated by our being inundated with online orders. So many in fact that we were in danger of running out of our very popular Dora Designs animal draught excluders and doorstops. Then, like the cavalry in an old western, a fresh shipment arrived. Hats off to FedEx as the only courier to make it through the snow.

In the afternoon, the spirit of the blitz manifested itself as people began to venture out of their houses bringing a steady trickle of business. Also making the shops who chose to close early seem like wimps.

It turns out snow business doesn't mean no business after all.

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