I noticed Ian Murray's subtle change of emphasis in his The End of the Week (Daily Echo, October 27).

A bit of fun he called his article I responded to in my last letter. Then, it was a memorial, now a heritage centre. I think not. It is highly unlikely the people of Southampton would say wow!

He is still attempting to persuade the people of Southampton to sell their art heritage to finance pie-in-the-sky projects.

Bury may have their own ideas. Let them. It's well past the time Mr Murray climbed off his bandwaggon and left our artworks alone. They are ours and cherished.

He has seized on the city's budgetary problems to further his cause. Devious. The city has had many budgetary difficulties in the past. It has met them bravely, and it has had the courage to retain its art heritage intact.

Why should Mr Murray's vendetta alter that achievement now?

Our artworks are our heritage. People of Southampton and further afield support the care and protection of our Aat heritage from the likes of Mr Murray's narrow-minded thinking.

W D SMITH, Hythe.