ENERGY Secretary Ed Davey wants to “turn non-switchers into savvy switchers” for their energy bills (but not for petroleum costs and charges) and is giving just under a million pounds to various existing bodies to carry out the function for him.

As most of the energy providers are in foreign ownership, it would seem somewhat doubtful he will achieve his wish, despite giving regulator Ofgem powers to intervene and surcharge companies which fail to carry out his wishes.

Surely a much better way to achieve his ambition would be to remove the subsidies to the “green energy” companies which, it is claimed, add a minimum of £400 to every household’s energy costs.

China, Brazil and India are opening new coal-fired power stations at the rate of one per week, which are in no way green and the infinitesimal amount the UK will reduce carbon emissions is laughable in the face of these new plants coming on stream.

Why do governments tinker with things instead of taking a more sensible long-term view?

I am aware that government and infrastructure are hardly synonymous but surely there is someone in the present establishment able to offer a more pragmatic and sensible view on the whole business of energy cost and associated charges?