I SUPPOSE you must give credit for a good attempt on the part of Lib-Dem MEP Catherine Bearder (Letters, June 6) to boost the spirits of her dwindling supporters, but true to form she had to decry the party that has beaten all other parties, hands down, and that alone will not endear her to any of the general public who may be undecided on their loyalties.

Being the only one of her party to retain her seat in the Bureaucratic Assembly of Europe at the recent elections she would be well advised to stay at home and allow her UKIP counterparts to continue their work to save this country from complete disaster, they will not falter and flounder as she believes.

Also, on the subject of her remark about poor attendance records, she should remember that it is not the role of UKIP MEPs to fall into line with an assembly they are endeavouring to abolish, on the contrary!

It must be glaringly obvious to most British voters of any denomination that UKIP are the only party ever likely to give this country back to its rightful people and make it once more a sovereign, democratic state, self-ruled by a loyal caring government, something we’ve not enjoyed for the past 40 years.

L A O’BEE, Southampton.