THE public are faced with a split Conservative Party.

That being the extreme right wing old Tories and with those who want to modernise the Conservatives, such I suggest does the Prime Minster. You have old Labour, trying unsuccessfully to drop New Labour, who were not all that different to the centre ground Conservatives.

Now not too surprisingly, the merger between the Liberal Party and the SDP (Labour defectors) is falling apart.

The Greens have managed to stand their ground, because their main objective is conservation, but sadly not much else.

UKIP are simply, none of the above. And that thin thread of argument, has given them a huge amount of support.

Apart from wanting to leave the EU, they have no genuine policies. This is, at the moment, what the voting public are faced with.

Personally, I wanted a centre ground Liberal Party, and not a second left wing element.

It just makes me wonder if Nick Clegg, Jeremy Brown, David Laws and others went off on their own to create a British Liberal Party, representing us all within the EU and beyond. Would centre ground Conservatives and Labour MPs, councillors and supporters, follow them?

SDP can go back to Labour, where they came from.

I do feel for Nick Clegg, he took the Liberal Democrats into Government and achieved more than any other party leader by doing that. And all that he gets in return, is back-stabbing!

I predict that the General Election in May 2015 will be a missed opportunity. Very low turn out, and no party gaining much in genuine support.

Unless they all get their act together within the next few months, with or without Scotland.

I ask all disillusioned Liberal Democrats to think again, and get behind the party. If only to ensure we do not end up with a Conservative outright win, or worse in my mind, a return to Labour.

UKIP have got as far as they are likely to achieve, if they continue to look back to an era which only exists in their minds. The UK was never a particularly happy place. But a United Europe could be.