IT does amaze me that Ed Miliband complains that wages are not increasing enough to cover everyday needs. Which, appears to include holidays, as he is annoyed there are delays in issuing passports.

I can remember when any holiday was a luxury, and going abroad was almost unheard of, unless you were wealthy.

The ‘ordinary people’ he claims to represent are indeed these days quite wealthy.

He is disappointed that unemployment figures are down, as many jobs are part-time. Part-time work can be ideal, especially for parents or those who may not be in perfect health.

The Labour Party are now for the working class snobs.

In the meantime, those who are genuinely desperate, are treated like animals, or indeed possibly worse when you consider how some people pamper their pets.

I am 61 years old, I have never been in an aeroplane. I do not have a passport, as I never leave my immediate area. I do not own the house where I live, and yet I have to look after it, unpaid. It has no main drainage. No central heating or double glazing. Needs total modernisation and the ceilings are soaking wet where the chimney breasts are no longer water tight.

In fact the Probate Solicitor wants to charge me rent, as I refuse to move out of the home, where I was born and ended up as a carer. Again I was unpaid.

My car is 14 years old ,and was second hand. It is now thought that I am suffering from Huntingtons, possibly caused by the strain from the pressure I was put under.

There are a huge number of people like me, who are forgotten and ignored.

And yet we were loyal to our families and saved the NHS a fortune.

I do not resent anyone being well off when they have achieved that through hard work or speculation, possibly even having a ‘win’.

What I do resent are people who want more out of life, while not appreciating they are, in comparison with the absolute poor, having it good.

That is why these days, there is no sympathy for those who strike for pay increases.

Most people have good working conditions, reasonable hours, paid holidays, maternity leave. Even the lowest paid get the minimum or living wage. Sometimes via us taxpayers.

Labour want the Mansion Tax, assuming anyone with a good address has a high income. As I have explained already, I have no income, nor benefits. Too young for a pension and yet I have to pay the highest council tax band.