NOT wishing to sound like a killjoy (for I am forever bemoaning the fact that Southampton fails to live up to its neighbouring cities and towns in providing events and activities for the general public to enjoy) but I always believed that events staged on Southampton Common couldn’t charge an admission fee, or be fenced off, because it was being held on common land.

I gather it was partly for this reason that the popular annual Southampton Show met its demise and was replaced by the free Balloon and Flower Festival.

The forthcoming “Let’s Rock Southampton” boasts of top acts from the 1980s, charging a fee of £39 per adult.

Whilst it is great that this event is being staged in the city, I am wondering if the Common is the best place for it. Perhaps St Mary’s stadium might have been more suitable.

No doubt someone with legal knowledge will come up with an answer!

RICHARD A JACOB, Southampton.