READING the letter from Doug Rose (September 18), I wasn’t sure at first if he was being serious,in suggesting that UKIP should have a policy of ridding the UK “of the baleful influence of the USA”, by which he includes American-made films and clothing.

He then claims that, because of 9/11 (a convenient shorthand for the terrorist attack which changed history),”our dates are now American”. Well, no. Only that date is, and only with reference to that event.

Finally, when he descends into standard Cold War, anti-American rhetoric, I realise that his message is devoid of all humour.

I do not share Mr Rose’s resentment of US “military bases on the soil of the UK”, as we are partners in NATO. However, your correspondent perceives “a foreign power using us to further its military ambitions”.

I do feel threatened by a rather different foreign power, based in Brussels, which actually seeks to destroy our sovereignty, unlike the USA.

While Doug Rose seems to think UKIP should endorse his cultural loathing of all things American, I beg to differ. As someone who enjoys playing the electric bass guitar, I am eternally grateful to its inventor, Leo Fender, a Californian.

COLIN HINGSTON, Southampton.