RECENTLY my niece’s education was again disrupted by a lecturers’ strike at the University of Southampton.

Having paid £9,000 in tuition fees and taken on a weekend job to help support herself, these greedy lecturers decided to deprive her of an education.

Despite a salary package of £294,000 (year end July 2013), vice-chancellor Professor Don Nutbeam and his colleagues still find their remuneration insufficient.

Lecturers partaking in strike action should have a deduction made from their own salaries to reimburse students and families struggling with the cost of maintaining a university education.

I fully expect this Government to make strikes unlawful in many sectors, including education, simply because the employees’ dispute is never with the actual recipient of the service, who then ultimately suffers.

Until then I look forward to hearing the test case in a court of law where a student litigates against a university for breaching their contract of education.

MR C RELTON, Southampton.