HERE was I, about to accuse the Daily Echo of going politically correct on me when lo and behold there is the Rev Ian Johnson's (February 9) From the Heart column to corroborate my fears.

He thanks God for political correctness but this has nothing to do with God but purely the invention of man to keep us all in line with our politicians.

It doesn't take a genius to work out that you can be politically correct on one subject and in doing so be right in most people's views (there will always be those who disagree).

Then again, on another subject being politically correct is nowhere near the truth.

The truth will in many ways hurt some as will lies hurt others but to suggest that political correctness is the way ahead is to blind many to the real truth.

Politics itself is a pretty dirty business so to even suggest that politicians are always right is a travesty in itself.

The Rev Johnson mentions, for instance, the proposed traveller and gypsy site and decries those who oppose its location, but then if one were to ask him whether or not he would like it on his doorstep, if he was an honest man which I'm sure he is, he would say no!

This is the natural human reaction of most honest people to situations that are likely to interfere with their way of life.

I try to be as honest as is possible in my views and sometimes forthright to a degree which may not be to some readers' liking.

The right to reply is always there so hopefully the Daily Echo columns (edited of course) will forever be a level field of play.

Being politically correct on all subjects as some try to be is about the worst attitude or stance one could possibly adopt.

L A O'BEE, Lordswood, Southampton.