IREAD with interest the letter from Allan Glass concerning the redevelopment of the old RAF base at Hythe (April 11).

For many years my family and I had enjoyed visiting Hythe, but we now avoid it as it has deteriorated so much in the past few years.

Apart from the marina, the rest of Hythe is shoddy, the shops in the precinct are mostly empty and those that are still open are old fashioned and way past their sell by date.

The area around the ferry terminal is falling apart and is a disgrace for locals and holidaymakers to see.

To suggest Hythe could challenge Lym-ington is absurd. Lymington is sophisticated and quaint, Hythe is sad and in a time warp.

It will need a great deal of foresight and investment to bring Hythe back to its former glory days.

I will watch in anticipation, but not with much hope.