I’M WELL aware that there are some people who don’t support my long running campaign to restore a passenger service up and down the Waterside.

There are some people who live near the railway line and think that any increased use of the line will impact negatively on their homes.

Others aren’t convinced of the need, or that it justifies the cost.

There are valid concerns about how it might impact on closure of the train gates in Junction Road.

As with any campaign, I know that there will be those in favour, those against and those that have yet to be persuaded either way.

The strongest argument I can muster is that this is one of the rarest examples of a new train service that can be delivered, with most of the infrastructure already in place, anywhere in the UK.

It means that it is both practical to do and in railway terms very low cost.

I know it will be popular, not just as a means of getting up and down the Waterside very easily, but because of its connectivity to the rail network that can take you to everywhere else in the UK.

It’s also a much greener form of transport, especially at a time when our local roads are becoming incredibly congested, we have air quality problems, and the prospect of the council completely abandoning bus subsidies, which will lead to even more lost services.

Ironically, if the EU does imposes fines because we are killing people through pollution, the UK may end up paying far more than the investment needed to get this passenger service up and running.

Earlier this week, I gave the opportunity to the Tory Leader of New Forest District Council, to express support for the project, as part of efforts to gain powers from central government.

Sadly, he failed to grasp the chance.

Central government isn’t going to come knocking on our door, asking us if we would like some money to provide a Waterside Passenger Railway line.

The initiative has to come from us, with Hampshire County Council, New Forest District Council and the National Park Authority all actively making the case for the resources and powers to make these things happen. It’s about leadership, isn’t it?

Cllr David Harrison, New Forest Liberal Democrats