Cruise ship fireworks I AM appalled at Southampton City Council for wasting money on fireworks for the cruise ships.

Not only is it a noise nuisance for residents, is three nights on the trot really necessary?

As well as wasting our taxes it is very disturbing as we are trying to rid our streets of fireworks going off at all hours and what about those who get up for work early and children being woken up?

It should not be allowed.

DI HEALEY, Shirley, Southampton.

A Southampton City Council spokesman replies: The fireworks were not paid for by the city council or the council tax payer. They were provided by Royal Caribbean International for the enjoyment of the residents of Southampton and their guests onboard the Liberty of the Seas.

Southampton is a world class port, and we are proud to welcome so many prestigious cruise liners. The eyes of the world were on Southampton for the arrival of the Liberty, and our celebrations were entirely in keeping with the importance of the occasion.

The cruise ship industry is vitally important for the city economy, generating jobs for local people and drawing visitors to the city. As the number one cruise port in the UK we look forward to welcoming more ships into the city.