Rehashing EU dish again TWO years ago the French and the Dutch sampled a new dish, the European Constitution, and found it so unpalatable that they sent it back to the kitchen.

Rather than disposing of that rejected meal, as one might expect, the staff put it in the freezer. Now the present head cook, Frau Merkel, is insisting that it must be rehashed and served up again, this time as Not The European Constitution.

And she has told the waiters that under her rules the opinions of the diners are irrelevant. This is what she is cooking for them, and they can like it or lump it.

So her obedient servant, Tony Blair, is now claiming that a new EU treaty would not be important - "just a tidying-up exercise'' was the ludicrous decription used last time round - and there would be no need for a national referendum.

Of course it would be important, of course we must have a referendum.

DR D R COOPER, Maidenhead, Berkshire.