I AM worried by the results of the local elections in England where the Conservatives have done well. Why?

Central Government decides how councils are run and councillors are elected to ensure that work is carried out. The people have very little influence.

Labour have often over the past ten years been propped up by the Tories, including that illegal invasion of Iraq, and David Cameron seems to have no polices which are much different to Tony Blair or Gordon Brown.

The only advantage at election time the Conservatives have is that their supporters do vote, while the stay-at-homes are the very people who could determine a real change in this country.

I am very concerned that should David Cameron become Prime Minster, presumably after Gordon Brown loses the next general election, we will all see a much widen gap between the haves and the have-nots.

The hostility towards other countries will continue, rather than trying to embrace friendships.

If like me you are angry, then say so and do something about it.

Use the press to express your feelings, they are generally on our side. They are people too and know the frustrations we all face.

The question I want answered is why we never joined the euro? We are too much in debt?

Also, if Scotland did get independence, that presumably would be followed by Wales and Northern Ireland. How could tiny little England cope in the big wide world outside of the euro zone?