NAME and Address Supplied (Letters, June 16) and Teresa Rumsey think that the NHS has been ruined by Tony Blair. What rot! All the Government has done is to provide resources for individuals to run a health service. The managers are the one to blame if anyone.

People are living longer and the numbers are likely to increase. Why? Because health care has improved or declined? Many older people are on constant medication and because of that are living longer.

I have no complaints because after reaching over 75, I was asked to attend for a blood test and as a result was prescribed drugs for a condition I did not know I had. I have since had two annual checks and upgrades on the medication.

Hospitals, like any other business, have to move with the times. As new treatments are introduced so medical professionals must adapt and reorganise in the way they treat diseases both new and old.

A great deal has been done to ease pensioners' lot, but God helps those that help themselves.

We have benefited from the lowering of the Tory imposed VAT rate of 17.5 per cent to 5 per cent on gas and electricity, the £200 fuel allowance (tax free), and (in Eastleigh) free off-peak bus travel.

At the age of 80 I am still cycling and driving a car. I am well aware that one day I will not be able to, so the ability to travel free on the buses is a great privilege.

The amount I paid in National Insurance cannot be much and would not cover what I have received back from the Government since I retired.

I suggest we all count our blessings and stop thinking the grass is greener on the other side of the fence.