IT would seem the wishes of the British public count for nothing any more.

We have a new Prime Minister who having only been in office a few weeks is already going back on the word of his party!

I quote from the promise by the Labour party in their 2005 manifesto: "We will put the constitution - treaty to the British people in a referendum''' The real truth was this document had already been worked out and by a Franco-German alliance, all three of the master manipulators - Blair, Sarkosy and Merkel, have totally ignored the wishes of the British people.

It means absolutely nothing that the French and Netherlands voted a resounding no. It means nothing that 80 per cent of the people want a referendum. Instead we are being driven down a road from which there will be no turning back. This new constitution is no different from the old one.

We shall have a joint foreign policy - a foreign minister for the EU, a permanent president for the EU and the EU will be regarded as having a legal personality, in other words a state.

This new state which is about to undertake a huge propaganda mission to ensure that this new treaty goes ahead without a hitch (no referendum.. no hitch) and to add insult to injury we the British taxpayers are funding it. How's that for sheer arrogance.

We must surely now stand up and be counted. We must not allow our freedom to be sold to the highest bidder for the protection of their ivory towers, is this the legacy you want to leave to your children?