R A RUDDERHAM'S letter (August 1), Why We Need So Many Homes, very aptly points to the consequences of present levels of massive immigration.

The increasing urbanisation, gridlocked roads and crowding of our transport system is becoming intolerable.

The UK is a small island, yet the powerful elite refuse to listen to the people and continue to stress that immigration is "good for the economy".

Basic economics tells us that this pushes up house prices and rents while keeping down wages, which is in the interests of the wealthy.

Not only do the poorer members of society have to compete with immigrants for housing and jobs, but also for educational, health and library services etc.

The gap between rich and poor appears to be widening, yet the Government suggested "welcome packs" for immigrants and the possible amnesty for 500,000 illegal immigrants - just what we need!

I have also noticed that asylum seekers and east Europeans are being awarded flats by our council.

Moreover, by allowing into this country huge numbers of people from the other side of the globe who have no respect for our history, traditions and culture, there is the serious risk of causing a breakdown of the social fabric and a lessening of national identity.

Why give blood? Why volunteer? Let's trash the school! It would appear that the three main political parties hate the British working classes and simply want to divide and rule.

It is no wonder that many people are finding the British National Party an attractive alternative.