ONCE again Richard Rowe highlights the contempt that the failing Lib Dems treat the hard working people of this city (Letters, July 10).

They are not interested in what matters to the people, only in how far they can pursue their careers.

This is evident all round the county. Look at Eastleigh and the issues residents there have had to put up with. There has been little or no consultation (allotments, wheelie bins ets).

Remember all the promises they made to us, the residents of Southampton, and then backtracked?

Look at the mess they made with the school closures issue and now (with a little help from Labour, shame on you) the only thing they have managed to achieve is a proposed travellers' site (the wow factor as you enter the city from the M27) that nobody wants, let alone the residents of Mansbridge and Swaythling.

When will the good people of this city wake up from the false dreams that this party gave us and see their non-achievements?

Put the Lib Dems firmly back on the political scrapheap where they belong and never let them rise above themselves again.

ROBERT PAINTON, Mansbridge, Southampton.