I WAS interested in Monday's Daily Echo report on Fawley Gym. The Tory council was to go ahead with the modernisation and re-siting to a more disabled friendly position overlooking the playing fields as reported but the new Lib Dem council stopped it.

The bar area is only open a few nights a week and is currently rented to a football club who have a few people in on match days. This was to have been halved, leaving a good size bar for the club.

We presented a petition of 350 signatures from local residents at the last committee meeting of the council, but the Lib Dems ignored it. The petition was from ordinary local people, some using the gym on doctor's referral, others disabled who use the specialised equipment, but most of the signatories were people who want a good gym.

The revised gym would reduce our losses and therefore reduce taxes while providing a service to the community and be what the electorate want, However, our new councillors will not carry out the duty of a councillor to act in the best interest of the electorate.

Unless we do something and soon we will lose all of our customers and cost the electorate a fortune by having a white elephant on our hands.

COUNCILLOR ALLAN GLASS, Conservative, Fawley Parish Council.