HAS Corey Stephenson ever seen the Benny Hill Show? Obviously not.

Benny never chased the women in his show, they and the rest of the crew (men and children) chased him and never for sexual reasons but usually for inadvertently annoying them.

Also, when will there be a statue or memorial to Benny, Southampton's most famous son.

The city's parks are full of statues of people only a few have heard of and even less care about.

Ask someone in Japan, the USA or Hungary who Benny Hill is and they will probably do a Fred Scuttle salute.

If a statue is too ostentatious for the council's tastes how about a plaque on the wall of 111 Bernard Street where he was born or 22 Westrow Gardens where he and his family lived for over 50 years?

If Eastleigh, where he only lived for a couple of years, can name a street after him why can't Southampton do something?

Maybe the statue should depict the cast running after Benny.

ALLAN GANGE, Millbrook, Southampton.