My recent request to Echo readers for information about Southampton's cinemas and theatres bore much more fruit than I expected.

I received many listings from former cinema employees dating back to pre-WW2 times as well as interesting anecdotes.

Special thanks to Doreen Agassy, who worked at the Ritz, Bitterne, who kindly sent me a lovely publication: Dream Palsces, Going to the Pictures in Southampton.

The book's photographs brought back many happy memories with such good photos, particularly of the Plaza. I stayed up all night and read it from cover-to-cover!

My appreciation also goes to an unidentified lady who worked at the Plaza in Northam; R Dagnell in Millbrook and Frank Hodder in Bassett. Thank you all for everything.

SIMON OVERTON (ex-Mon Crescent, Bitterne), Long Beach, California.