I agree with those who have writen to the Daily Echo regarding political point scoring. People want politicians who act, not talk. Unfortunately for Southampton we do have the odd piece of political mudslinging, no more it seems than in Coxford Ward.

I stood for council in Coxford ward in the May elections. Let me first say it was a pleasure and an honour to do so.

However, I found that the other parties, particular the Labour party used everything possible to trash their opponents and scare the electorate into voting for them.

Instead of campaigning on positive issues like cutting crime, keeping tax down and the environment, they were negative beyond belief.

I called on all political parties to fight a clean campaign. The Lib Dems heard that call and I was delighted that they backed my campaign and saw sense in the end not to close Oaklands pool.

Unfortunately I cannot say the same for the Labour party.

It seems despite Gordon Brown saying the culture of spin is over; it remains at the core of the Southampton Labour machine. They think their lack of policies can be hidden by their attacks on others. They want taxpayers' money to be spent on a gypsy camp but voted against funds for Lordshill community centre. Their government talks about crime but has lost control of our streets.

As the city is split politically, we owe the electorate to work together for the common good. It is about time Councillor Don Thomas and others stopped their mudslinging and realised that exercising their righteous indignation every week in the Daily Echo does not help the hard-pressed taxpayers, pensioners and families in this city.

NEIL FITGERALD, former Conservative candidate for Coxford Ward.