I could not believe it when reading the recent letter from Councillor Don Thomas stating that "Honesty be the foundation of not only national politics, but also local politics". What a load of rubbish!

We in Aldermoor have also had claims from Labour in their leaflets about what they have done in our area.

This is untrue as it was done by councillors Ken Darke and Sue Jackson who have worked closely with the council and our residents' association.

Thanks to them we have been able to achieve many things in the area around Waltham Crescent.

I recently raised a question with my new councillor about these claims that he has made, he replied its "political spin'' and to "Not take any notice of it as this was typical of Labour".

What is the point in printing these claims in the leaflets and deceiving the people?

He has stepped into someone else's shoes and has taken credit for others' work.

Surely he has contradicted what he said about "Honesty being the foundation of not only national politics but also local politics".

Perhaps Cllr Thomas should practise what he preaches.

M STONER, Aldermoor, Southampton.