So Liberal Democrat leader Sir Menzies Campbell now judges that there is no case for holding a public vote on the EU, unless the question is simply "in or out".

Fair enough, and he could certainly incorporate his new analysis in the Liberal Democrat manifesto for the next general election, remembering to explain whether that would also exclude a referendum on the euro.

However the manifesto on which he was actually elected in 2005 took a different view, pledging a referendum on the constitutional treaty even though that would not be an "in or out\" question.

"We are therefore clear in our support for the constitution, which we believe is in Britain's interest - but ratification must be subject to a referendum of the British people."

To depart from that clear promise of a referendum would mean that he, and all the other MPs who stood on that manifesto, were elected on false pretences.

And to offer such a self-evidently specious excuse only adds insult to injury.

No wonder the aforementioned British people no longer trust their politicians.

DR D R COOPER, Maidenhead, Berkshire.