I have tried my best to put to bed the issue of Lordshill Community Centre as I said in my letter on September 11.

I asked that we all calm down, but George Melrose just has to try and rewrite history (Letters, Spetember 12), knowing full well I would be un-able not to respond.

He wants to put the record straight, and states that he is not a member of the Lib Dems. That may very well be the case today but he was certainly a supporter back in the election campaign, putting up windows bills, and being pictured in the Lib Dem Focus, campaigning daily for them, and you most certainly were a past Lib Dem city councillor.

I am saddened to say you went on to call me a phoney because I claimed to persuade the council to set aside £150,000 for a temporary new hall for Lordshill Community Centre.

I have never made such claims .

You cannot be allowed to re-write history like this, George, it is not right. I have only ever welcomed the new facility, and as the former secretary you know only full well that I have always supported the centre for many years.

Finally you mention former Councillor Ken Darke for his contribution, and that it was him and not me we have to thank again George it is on record I have given tribute to Ken for his hard work, and efforts over the years (In my View, August 21).

COUNCILLOR DON THOMAS, Labour member for Coxford.