I would like to respond to David J Hackings letter of 6th May seeing no change in air.

I applaud you for being worried about the future for your children and yes there are many products causing concern and thank goodness for the younger generation who come up every day with an environmentally friendly product.

I am not and never have been to extinction rebellion meetings, but worked with a committee of eight people into air pollution.

Before Europe and the government of the day got involved there were some alarming facts and long term illnesses linked to poor air and that is why poor air quality is now taken seriously.

There is plenty of findings from research and you Mr Hacking seem to know your way around the computer to complete some of your own research.

As I said I applaud you for looking into our future that is why I got involved in air quality.

Trouble is you can make a protest by not buying these products and educating others but with air quality it is constant and cannot be avoided we all off us breath in the air.

The Western Docks Consultative Forum was given the backing of all councillors when set up.

I am surprised we never met at our meetings it was well advertised on the web site and between us we delivered leaflets to Shirley and the surrounding areas that at the time were effected by the pollution from the docks.

It is not now but in the future poor air takes its effect after long term inhalation.

Like this horrid virus we face at the moment it effects some and not others but to those it has affected consequences are devastating.

Years ago coal was found to cause fog and caused extensive ill health problems in some cases death.

Eventually a new smokeless fuel evolved and we very rarely see smog anymore in this country and that was due to recognising the problem and finding a solution.

We can bury our heads in the sand and ignore the problem but at what cost in the future.

Better to work now for a solution and I have a great respect for our scientists who work hard and diligently on this problem.

That gives me hope for our future.

Christine Cassell
