The lock down has given us a chance to see what life could be like.

We have had cleaner air in Southampton, birds singing and the best news of all, no noisy aircraft in our skies.

But sadly the polluters are back.

I am now hearing noisy motor bikes accelerating to break the speed limits, oversized cars racing towards traffics lights trying to jump them and people parking on double yellow lines just to avoid walking a bit further.

Such people seem to think we want to breathe in their poisonous car fumes.

Well we don’t.

Neither do they seem to care that their vehicles are contributing to overheating our planet.

I suppose with people like Dominic Cummings apparently interpreting the rules to suit himself, the logic goes - if he can then why shouldn't the rest of us?

It is clear that a responsible Prime Minister would have sacked him without a second thought.

By contrast, here in the Green Party, our aim is to live with the planet and not against it.

We want clean air and a healthy life for all citizens.

We want life to be interesting, innovative and fun, but live within the ecological boundaries.

We hope you want the same as us, be less polluting and will change your life style to look after the planet rather than go back to "business as usual".

Ron Meldrum

Southampton Green Party