I SAID it before and I have said it again. Speed cameras are nothing more than a stealth tax, providing jobs for the people who operate them.

You cannot tell me the sneaky camera in Hythe village where the 40mph limit was reduced to 30 once the camera was fitted - and is reputed to be set with a 10 per cent margin of error - has anything to do with safety.

It does not catch drunks or drivers with unroadworthy vehicles, drivers on drugs, foreign number plates who may have no tax or insurance or even a licence or acts of dangerous driving outside the range of the camera, It may cause more accidents by motorists slamming on their brakes, or glued to their speedometer instead of reading the road ahead, and spotting a child about to run across the road after a football.

There is no substitute for trained police traffic officers on patrol.

Being caught four times at 4mph over the posted limited can have a draconian effect on your wife and family, as you could lose your job and not be able to pay the mortgage. You could lose your home and your whole family would suffer.

You could commit a serious premeditated crime and suffer less punishment.

America had the right idea when they banned cameras as unconstitutional.

They made no contribution to road safety, and harked back to the days when towns raised most of their money with partly hidden speed signs and a policeman lying in ambush.

If the Conservatives want to win the next election they should announce their intention to also ban speed cameras.

They would win the vote of every motorist in the country and have a landslide election.

Alternatively if the present Government is so keen on road safety perhaps they should forget income from fines and bring back the man with a red flag.

This would give jobs to Julian Hewitt and his cronies who feel so strongly about speed.

Philip Pearce-Smith, Holbury.