I AM writing in response to the letter "Road outside your home is owned by the public'' (December 3) I live in a road in Sholing which is heavily affected by parking from students and staff of the local college. Whilst residents understand the legal situation, to have the problem referred to as "an inconvenience'' is a total misinterpretation of the situation.

We all appreciate that it is often necessary for people to park in a residential area. However, we have student's cars parked outside our houses from 8.30am to 5pm five days a week. In a road with many elderly people and mothers with young children, it is simply unaccept able to not be able to park close to one's home.

In addition we have to clean up litter and cigarette ends from students who think that the pavement is a litter bin, and put up with fast driving and dangerous/inconsiderate parking. Residents pay council tax for services such as road sweeping and drain cleaning, but we rarely benefit from these services since the vehicles cannot drive or stop in the appropriate places.

Much of the frustration of the residents is due to the lack of the support and reluctance of the college to try and resolve these problems. The college parking scheme requires students to pay for a permit, and as I understand is not heavily subscribed. Shuttle buses are also offered from the local station but these are also not terribly popular. It seems that many students are simply too lazy to walk to college, or from a bus stop or train station. Bringing a car is simply an easy option, regardless of the impact on local residents.

In conclusion, may I suggest that the writer of the letter needs to be more aware of all the issues before merely describing the parking problem as "an inconvenience'' Name and address supplied.