FOR the life of me, I just cannot understand some people's callousness and cruelty to some members of the disabled community. It is nothing less than bullying. My son has experienced real nastiness from people, while just going about his daily business.

He has great difficulty walking and wobbles when he tries to get to his electric scooter. Last week while in a supermarket in Shirley having just finished his lunch, he proceeded to try and get to his scooter; he bumped into a woman who seemed to walk straight towards him. She then proceeded to accuse him of molesting her, while he was saying sorry. She then complained to the security guard, although he had seen what happened and knew it was an accident. On other occasions he has been crossing the road, on a zebra crossing, and cars have swerved around him and because he has had the nerve to call out "slow down" has then had a mouthful of abuse hurled at him.

He has been widowed twice, and has had a truly hard life, so perhaps next time you think disabled people are a pain and shouldn't be allowed out, stop and think, "there but for the grace of God, go I".