SEEING your article about speed cameras, I can't help but think that their placements along our local roads are somewhat arbitrary, not necessarily where most needed.

Yesterday I was driving into town around 3pm along Thomas Lewis Way when the traffic ground to a halt at the lights at Dukes Road. After a few minutes waiting, it was clear that an accident had occurred. Eventually, the police waved the traffic through and I could see what had happened. Not for the first time, two vehicles had collided by the lights. This time it was a motorcycle and a car. The bike was very badly damaged, and I could see a paramedic attending a man lying in the road.

It is clear that one or other of the vehicles had jumped the lights, judging from the extent of the damage to the bike, it seems likely that it ran into a car coming from Dukes Road.

All along Thomas Lewis Way there are speed camera signs, yet I have never seen any evidence of them. That particular junction is dangerous as so often I have seen vehicles rushing the lights on the bend there. So why not put a very prominently placed speed camera right on the lights? So many drivers speed along this road, often overtaking dangerously, driving as if it were a dual carriageway. If I had been just a few minutes earlier I could well have been involved in that accident. There has already been one fatality there.

DAVID DAISH, Southampton.