ISN'T it time the Tories stopped looking around for someone else to blame for their inability to lead the city and recognise that, like the rest of the population, you have to live with what you've got or do something about it?

Yes, they would like more money but that decision is in their hands - so stop whingeing and start dealing with the situation as it is!

Like all residents have to do every week and every month, they must pay for the essentials, prioritise the funds available to best meet what can be afforded and accept that you can't do everything you would like. We all have to do this in life - the Tories are no different.

They must make their decisions and be judged by them. They must stop looking for convenient scapegoats for their proposed cuts and take responsibility for their own decisions as the electorate will surely know who is responsible come the May elections.

COUNCILLOR JUNE BRIDLE, leader of the Labour group, Southampton City Council.