I WOULD like to thank all the wonderful people who have supported my 12-year-old grandson Joshua Edwards, and our family, over the past year.

Since Joshua became paralysed in December 2006, we started a trust fund to raise money for his future care, and with the help of these wonderful people, we have raised over £40,000.

I would also like to thank Daily Echo reporter Ash Bolton, who has become a very good friend to our cause.

I could fill this page if I was to list everyone who has helped, but they know who they are.

I have just one wish for 2008, that might come true. It is that when the inspector for the Secretary of State visits Joshua's house this month, that they have more compassion than from New Forest Planning Department, and grant us permission to adapt Joshua's house, so that he can have a bedroom and bathroom.

It is bad enough that he has this dreadful illness, but to be denied the basic things we all take for granted - to have a shower, or use the bathroom for basic body functions in your own home, instead of having to have bedbaths, in the only room he has access to - the family lounge - or wait until he is admitted to hospital before this can happen. He has nowhere where he can have any privacy.

Let's hope this wish comes true.