I AM trying to reason with Bryan Woolston's letter detailing his personal views directed towards motorcyclists and the Itchen Bridge (December 22).

I wonder if his anti-motorcycle views are really about being envious of bikers filtering past his stationary car.

Picture this: Bryan waits impatiently in his ton or more of metal. With his ever-reddening face he curses loudly at the cars to his front.

In the fog of exhaust emissions he catches sight of bikers freely riding past.

"It's not fair," he exclaims aloud. "They will all be home before I get off this cursed bridge''.

Wake up, Bryan! The toll is for people like you, who congest the highway with cars carrying only a single occupant. Motorcycles do not cause congestion, so don't take it out on them.

I will leave all you moaning car drivers with a simple question. When have you ever witnessed a tail back of traffic behind a biker turning right?