WE all assume that most decisions made by the Government are in accordance with the so-called experts in the Think Tank and act accordingly, but just how sound are they?

It would be interesting to hear from those people just how wrong they were/are and do they look at the gradual chaos that is now ensuing.

It has been stated that Great Britain is economically sound, but is this so when most of the country has been sold off to financiers, conglomerates and entrepreneurs who do not intend to spend their money unless there is a big return.

Can we assume that all that money is going back into the economy or is it going into other pockets overseas?

So many queries and its time we ask ourselves does it improve the smooth running of this country?

We can also assume Southampton City Council has their own think-tank? Well, we know they have several informative advisors, but surely they would only have their own interests and pockets in mind.

One has to look around and see how sad Southampton is. Face it, all buildings are fabricated and have as much appeal as a damp squib.

All our precious land Below Bar is going to be roads and more roads. What kind of intelligence would map out that?

Who on earth would promote expansion in an area so limited?

Of course, previous think tanks, and does that include ABP?, would put their own interest first, surely not ours. Do they have a deciding interest themselves?

Let's face it - look at the whole port. Can one honestly say they have a spark of decency to block out entirely the citizens' hopes of a little light along our waterfront?

One can go on and on - our cars are almost completely knobbled - but what is put in its place - trains, buses and bad organisations without a figment of honesty and conscience, can put the prices up, cutting out areas entirely almost without conscience.

Do not think that all transport is there for us - no, they will find some excuse to close down routes and put us to ransom. It's called 'highway robbery'.

Look at almost every aspect of big business - dare I say it, football. The financiers know the depth of fervour that enthusiastic supporter will go. Do you know how much is made from just this sport alone? This is big business. Do not shield your eyes, everything we hold dear is exploited to the full.

By gosh - if they should all leave for pastures new - where would we be? Up a creek without a paddle, but we will survive.

J MOORBY (by e-mail)